Sunday, 3 December 2017

Review: The Loud House: Season 1 Episode 11

11a: The Butterfly Effect:

Normally, I enjoy "what if" scenarios in cartoons. but this one, oh geez, don't kill me for this, but i don't like this episode very much. I know I'm in an awkward place to say it, but bear with me here. The episode involves Lincoln accidentally ruining Lisa's experiment while practicing his yo-yo tricks. The explosion changes EVERYTHING in the Loud House. Lori is now dating Clyde, Lola ends her pageant career after suffering a blow to the nose, and Luan gives up being funny. Sounds like a good episode, right? Maybe to the majority of you. But I don't buy all the hype it gets. Don't get me wrong, it IS a good idea, but it just wasn't my cup of tea. I found it WAY too over-the-top, and some of the situations the sisters got involved in weren't even FUNNY, like Luan giving up comedy to save the earth. That was just so out of character. It's as if Kevin Sullivan was bumping me in the elbow and saying "She's giving up comedy! Get the joke?" Um, no, I don't. And it wasn't even a JOKE. It's a sign that you went too far with this episode. And from that point on, the rest of the episode involves Lincoln feeling bad for what he did, and it continually shoves it in our faces. We get it: Lincoln feels guilty for what he did. Fortunately, at the end, the cartoon delivered it's moral decent enough, but that ending, EW. Butterfly Effect was a mighty disappointment. If it had not lost focus of it's main plot, I wouldn't be here complaining about it. Not to mention all the obvious plotpoints. I've seen it! I've seen ALL of it!

...Except THAT. And I NEVER want to see that again.
In conclusion, Butterfly Effect is highly overrated. Can I make it any more obvious? 2.5/10

11b: The Green House:

It's been over a year since I first saw The Green House...
...and I'm STILL marveling at how awful it is.
The story is that Lincoln's class is holding an energy-reduction project. Mrs. Johnson praises Clyde, who has an incredibly low eco-meter, and here's what his response is:
"Thanks, Mrs. Johnson! Our house is solar-powered so we don't burn any fossil fuels!"
We've barely even STARTED the episode, and ALREADY we have a problem. Clyde gets praised for basically doing nothing at all. That's the end of the worry, right? Boy, are you wrong. It only gets worse as the cartoon progresses. EVERY single character that appears in this episode is an asshole. Lincoln's class threatens to make him a social outcast (he had an extremely high eco-meter) because they''re all too busy fawning over a fucking polar bear (literally) to consider the fact that Lincoln has ten sisters, which is the reason why his family uses so much energy. Mrs. Johnson isn't spared from the douche-baggery either, because when the class goes to threaten him for making them fall behind in the contest, instead of stopping them, she lets it happen! What kind of sick fucking teacher even DOES that?! Also, Lincoln's sisters discourteously use absurd amounts of energy that we've never seen them do before. But hey, gotta have the plot make sense! (If you couldn't tell, that was satire) The biggest asshole of all is someone who you'd least expect: Lincoln. Slowly but surely, he makes all these unnecessary "adjustments" to the family image that puts the sisters through a lot of strife. And all because he just HAD to play a stupid video game with his amigos. His excuse when the sisters furiously confront him? The polar bear. He used the fucking POLAR BEAR to manipulate his sisters into giving up their electronics. It may not have seemed possible, but Lincoln came out in the end as the biggest asshole out of EVERYONE, bar NONE. And another thing, why couldn't him and his friends play their game at Clyde's house? Obviously it can't do much damage because HIS HOUSE IS SOLAR-POWERED. Fortunately, in the end, Lincoln's class DOES win the contest, but at this point, I've had it with this episode. This is one episode that I will not, willingly, watch again. Offer me a million bucks and I STILL wouldn't do it. OK, this review has gone longer than it should have. Enough said. 0/10

Next time I'll be reviewing "Along Came A Sister" and "Chore And Peace"

Saturday, 14 October 2017

Review: The Loud House | Season 1 Episode 10

10a: Hand-Me-Downer

Given the emphasis on a large family, it's only natural that we get an episode about hand-me-downs, thus, here we are. Lincoln has had a long and complicated history with hand-me-downs, as presented through four flashbacks. His most recent hand-me-down: a girly-looking bicycle that was once owned by Lori. Three boys ride up and make fun of the bike, leading Lincoln to say that the bike was his sister's, and that he has a cooler bike getting repaired. When the kids ask to see it once it's fixed, he takes Lynn's bike and the kids make Lincoln their new leader. This bit is very interesting; Lincoln was wrong for taking the bike and passing it off as his own, but you can enjoy yourself as you see him having fun with it. However, the bike goes missing, leading Lincoln desperately trying to find it. Now that he's on his girly bike, nobody compliments him anymore, and it was kind of humorous to watch to be honest, especially when the pedestrian mistakes him for a little girl. When he fails to retrieve the bike, the kids from earlier show up, and after Lincoln tells them the truth, they kick them out of their group, leading him to tell Lynn that he lost her bike. After Lynn berates him for taking her bike without asking, it's revealed that a few of the older sisters had the bike before Lynn, leading to some charming scenes of younger versions of Leni, Luna and Luan having fun with the bike. It's nice that the sisters gave him some meaningful advice about hand-me-downs, which makes for a great moment of sibling love. There are a few aspects that lose this cartoon some value: for one, it's never revealed who stole Lynn's bike, and the fact that the biker kids make Lynn their new leader when she's riding the original girly bike Lincoln had earlier in the show that they teased the latter of having just doesn't make sense. Just because Lynn's riding it and not Lincoln, it doesn't make the bike any better because it's the SAME BIKE. Still, in all, it's a pretty good episode that offers a pretty interesting, new perspective on life. 7/10

10b: Sleuth or Consequences

What makes this cartoon so interesting is that it offers some of the best and the worst examples of sibling love. How? You'll see. When the toilet gets clogged, the sisters are quick to blame Lincoln, knowing his history of clogging the toilet, which is aided by three humorous flashbacks. After Lincoln denies the accusations, Lynn Sr. grounds everyone until somebody turns themselves in. This leads Lincoln embarking on a mission to find out who REALLY clogged the toilet. Lucy agreeing to help Lincoln out just adds to the appeal of this aspect. She's already proven herself to be really close to Lincoln, ergo, their time together is always great to see. Throughout the cartoon, we get a lot of hilarious scenes of the duo questioning each sister, some of which have some pretty entertaining values. Eventually, we learn that a comic book was the thing that was stuffing up the toilet, called Princess Pony. It's here that we get some pretty stellar character development for Lucy. It turns out that the book belonged to HER, and that she stuffed the book in the toilet to avoid getting laughed at. This adds some depth to Lucy's character, and proves that even SHE needs a break from the darkness every now and again. Near the end, Lincoln saves her from eternal humiliation by admitting that the Princess Pony book was his. Not only does he prove that he'll do anything for his sisters, him and Lucy's bond grows dramatically by this action, which earns this cartoon some value since this is one of my favorite sibling bonds. Later on, Lucy thanks him for saving her ass by giving him a homemade comic book, a well-deserved reward for his outstanding show of bravery. This cartoon would've been perfect, if it wasn't for the sisters. They were bigger assholes than usual, making fun of Lincoln for his silly Ace Savvy cosplay. There was absolutely NO reason for them to act like that and somehow, they managed to avoid ANY punishment for their actions. It almost felt like the sisters were the main antagonists of this episode. If you can get past the sisters acting like jerks, you have one of the strongest instances of sibling bonding that this show has conceived in it's year and a half on the air. 9/10

Season 1 Ranking
1. Undie Pressure
2. Space Invader
3. The Sweet Spot
4. Picture Perfect
5. Driving Miss Hazy
6. Sleuth Or Consequences
7. Changing The Baby
8. Ties That Bind
9. Overnight Success
10. Sound Of Silence
11. No Guts, No Glori
12. Project Loud House
13. Left In The Dark
14. Hand-Me-Downer
15. Making The Case
16. A Tale Of Two Tables
17. Get The Message
18. Linc Or Swim
19. Heavy Meddle
20. In Tents Debate

Next time, Lincoln's world is turned upside-down as one of Lisa's experiments changes the family for good in 'Butterfly Effect', then watch as Lincoln fights to save his social reputation in 'The Green House'. 

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Review: The Loud House | Season 1 Episode 9

9a: Overnight Success:

With ten sisters, life is already chaotic for Lincoln Loud. But this chaos has led to sleepovers becoming a lost cause, a point which is made by three humorous flashback's of his sister's sleepover disasters. Luckily, with a little strategy, Lincoln convinced his dad to let him invite Clyde over for the night. Sounds rad, right? Well, the sleepover has a bit of a rocky start. Lincoln made a strictly regimented timetable for him and Clyde to follow, and he gets mad when he starts playing with his sisters. He even insulted his sisters by calling them "dumb". My point is, this bit could've been done more properly, and it just makes Lincoln come off as an asshat, thus losing this cartoon some value. Luckily it doesn't get any worse than this. The rest of the episode sees Lincoln inviting several of his other friends over to spend the night, but the sisters keep interrupting and things go awry, making for some truly funny scenes. Then he realizes how bad he made Clyde feel and apologizes. The episode wraps up in the living room where Clincoln McLoud and the sisters celebrate a fantastic sleepover. Despite a rough beginning, this cartoon still managed to deliver some good chuckles and a very nice emphasis and Clyde and Lincoln's friendship. 8.5/10

9b: Ties That Bind

This is definitely one of the more underrated episodes of Season 1. But I can still understand the hate for it, and it has something to do with a certain white-haired boy. More on that later.
Anyways, this episode opens us up with a chaotic Saturday morning in the Loud House. The siblings are each adhering to their usual shenanigans, making it all the more promising that we're in for a treat. But all that changes when Lincoln crashes into the bathroom after attempting a wall-jump. He overhears Mom and Dad arguing over getting rid of Lynn Sr.'s ties, but he thinks they were talking about their kids. When the sisters don't believe him, he takes Lori into the bathroom and overhears the conversation, so the kids do whatever they could to change their parent's minds. It's a real shame that these feelings were treated like a big deal instead of a joke because as we, the audience, know the truth, things shouldn't have gotten so apprehensive. In fact, this aspect is the key to the ENTIRE episode. Let's keep moving. So after overhearing another conversation, Lincoln's fears return when the parents decided that they'd only keep 1 tie. (Of course, we all know by now what Lincoln thinks) He cooks pancakes for his father and proceeds to deliver them, but he gets caught by Lola, making for an awkward confrontation. They all go into the bathroom again, and as they do Lynn Sr. chooses to keep his "white-hare" tie. The sisters, believing that it refers to Lincoln, (as he, too, has white hair) are jealous, and then we come to the worst part of the episode. Lincoln's awful fantasy where he imagines life as an only child. Not only does he experience character derailment, it just makes the show look bad. Ties That Bind is a failed attempt at a sibling-bond episode. While I enjoyed it for the humor and the ending (that EASILY makes up for the rocky middle) certain aspects prevent me from giving it a perfect score. 9/10

Season 1 Ranking:
1. Undie Pressure
2. Space Invader
3. The Sweet Spot
4. Picture Perfect
5. Driving Miss Hazy
6. Changing The Baby
7. Ties That Bind
8. Overnight Success
9. Sound Of Silence
10. No Guts, No Glori
11. Project Loud House
12. Left In The Dark
13. Making The Case
14.A Tale Of Two Tables
15.Get The Message
16.Linc Or Swim
17. Heavy Meddle
18. In Tents Debate

Next time, it's up to Lincoln to find Lynn's missing bike in "Hand-Me-Downer", and then, we'll deal out some justice as Lincoln teams up with Lucy to determine who clogged the toilet in "Sleuth Or Consequences".

Sunday, 17 September 2017

Review: Arthur | Season 1 Episode 8

8A: Arthur's New Puppy

Arthur and his dog, Pal, are like peanut butter and jelly; no one can imagine them apart. This cartoon centers around the disastrous events that occur when Arthur tries and fails to properly care for Pal. For this concept, I found myself going back and forth about it, because while the antics Pal causes easily produces a laugh or two, you also feel bad for Arthur because after his parents had had enough with the chaos, they sentence Pal to live in the garage full time until he's properly trained, which makes Arthur sad because the two have developed a close bond. Arthur becomes determined to work with Pal so that he can start living in the house again. And after showcasing the tricks he taught Pal to his family, his dad allows him to be kept in the house. This cartoon the strongest display of Arthur and Pal's relationship. Through humor and outstanding emotional bits, it delivers a great message, and is another strong addition to the series. 8.5/10

8B: Arthur Bounces Back

This cartoon sees Arthur trying to earn ten dollars so he can buy moon boots, the trendy new shoes that let you bounce to incredible heights. (AND that gives you broken ankles quickly and efficiently if you just so happen to land improperly) Throughout the episode, Arthur tries numerous ways to get money. He brings flowers over to Grandma Thora to sell, only to be informed that his parents called her earlier about the moon boots. He then tries selling lemonade, only to have a dog run off with his bag of lemons. Afterwards, he opens a kissing booth, but after getting made fun of by passers-by, he turns it into a fortune teller stand. But then a thunderstorm hits, leaving Arthur to lose any last sliver of hope that he had of getting those moon boots. It's hard not to sympathize with Arthur, because he worked hard to try to earn some cash, but time after time he'd always fail, losing some value in this cartoon. Eventually, Arthur volunteers to sweep the garage, but Mrs. Tibble comes along and thinks it's a garage sale. After she offers to buy a necklace from him for ten dollars, Arthur finally gets his moon boots, but the story doesn't end there. In a nice little twist, when Mr. Read comes out to ask Arthur if he put everything back where it belonged, it's revealed that the necklace Mrs. Tibble purchased earlier was actually a special birthday present for Mrs. Read. So he volunteers to rake every last leaf in Mrs. Tibble's yard in exchange for the necklace, ending the episode. Arthur Bounces Back was a lot of fun, what with the enjoyable scenes of Arthur setting up his own business and the unexpected but very clever plot twist tossed in near the end. Not exactly a season highlight, but still, I definitely recommend it. 7/10

Season 1 Ranking
1. Arthur Accused
2. D.W's Imaginary Friend
3. D.W. All Wet
4. Locked In The Library
5. Arthur's New Puppy
6. Arthur's Spelling Trubble
7. Arthur's Teacher Trouble
8. Arthur Bounces Back
9. Buster Makes The Grade
10. D.W. The Copycat
11. Francine's Bad Hair Day
12. Arthur's Lost Library Book
13. Buster's Dino Dilemma
14. Arthur's Pet Business
15. Arthur Goes To Camp
16. Arthur's Eyes

Be sure to tune in next time to see the adventurous aardvark take on the two most badass preschoolers in the world when "Arthur Babysits", then watch as he tries his best to avoid his annoying cousin Mo at an upcoming family reunion in "Arthur's Cousin Catastrophe".

Review: The Loud House | Season 1 Episode 8

Episode 8A: Linc Or Swim

Kicking things off, we have an episode that has definite potential and makes us miss summertime even more than we already do. The Loud kids are spending a fun day at the pool, but time after time, they get kicked out because of one of the sisters performing some kind of ridiculous stunt: like Lynn accidentally injuring an elderly lady whilst chicken fighting, (not only that, but several veteran Nickelodeon characters are present in this scene. Smooth move, there, Jordan Rosato) or Lana adding vegetables to the pool water because it tasted like soup. When they're kindly informed by Lisa that they've been banned from every pool within "the 60 mile radius", they all start blaming each other. Poor Louds. It's crystal clear that they only wanted to have a good time. Lincoln is the easiest to sympathize with since he's being punished for something his sister's did, (I'm looking at you, Cereal Offender) thus costing the episode any chance of getting an amazing score. (Scores of 10, 9, and 8 would land an episode in the "amazing" category) For the next bit, we get a humorous sequence of scenes as Lincoln has a hell of a time setting up his "Paradise For One". When Lincoln finally gets the pool set up and recovers from his sunburn, bee sting and twisted ankle, he's about to jump right in when he finds Lori and Leni already inside, floating on rubber seats whilst sipping cold drinks. Afterwards, the rest of the sisters find out, performing their usual, silly antics. Lincoln, however, never gets a shot to dip into the pool, and when Lori kicks everyone out so she can have her "senior swim", it's the final straw. Lincoln screams at his sisters for hogging his pool that he bought with his own funds and angrily kicks them out, much to the shigrin of the sisters. Personally, this was very selfish of Lincoln. I get it that he blew most of his allowance on the fucking pool, but just like with what happened earlier on, the sisters just wanted to have fun. Eventually, the sisters end up with a bigger pool, and after Lincoln apologizes for being so selfish, they happily agree to let him join the fun. Usually, this would've been a great place to end the cartoon, right? NOPE. In a surprise twist that nobody asked for, Lincoln ends up destroying the pool with a cannonball, which forces everyone to squeeze into the little pool, and wrapping things off with yet another "fecal incident" gag. Linc Or Swim felt like one step up, and two steps down. While the message is very heartfelt and the episode itself was all in good fun, the fact that Lincoln was being rather hoggish, and the unnecessary plot twist at the end makes it a very weak effort. To be honest, I expected more from this cartoon. 5/10

Episode 8B: Changing The Baby

Fans agree that Lily is as interesting as watching cement dry. OK, that's an overstatement, but still, she's definitely the blandest out of all the sisters. But she easily makes up for that with her cuteness. This episode takes on that concept and adds some value to Lily's character. Lincoln starts the episode off by lamenting to the viewers about how none of his sisters share his interests, then Lily crawls in and watches Lincoln play his video game. This gives Lincoln an idea to try and mold Lily into his own mini-me. From then on, we watch as Lincoln and his baby sister share some quality bonding time, which is very charming indeed. Throughout these scenes, we also get some enjoyable moments from Clyde, as he follows the dynamic duo on their adventures as he tries to figure out why Lincoln didn't want to hang out with him. Eventually, the sisters find out about this and decide that Lincoln has the right idea. Each of them plot to take Lily and make her their closest family member. We're then treated to a very enjoyable chase scene as each of the kids compete for the right to be with Lily. After none of this works, they decide to have Lily decide who she wants to hang out with. Before Lily can choose, Clyde interrupts, bursting in dressed as baby, and carrying Lily's blankie, which Lincoln got rid of earlier in the show. And in another twist, Lily crawls towards Clyde, and the two run off to hang out with each other. Everyone learns an important lesson; that you can't force people to be the someone YOU want them to be. It's very satisfactory ending where everyone wins, and it caps off one of this season's strongest displays of sibling bonding. 9/10

Season 1 Ranking
1. Undie Pressure
2. Space Invader
3. The Sweet Spot
4. Picture Perfect
5. Driving Miss Hazy
6. Changing The Baby
7. No Guts, No Glori
8. Sound Of Silence
9. Project Loud House
10. Left In The Dark
11. Making The Case
12. A Tale Of Two Tables
13. Get The Message
14. Linc Or Swim
15. Heavy Meddle
16. In Tents Debate

Be sure to catch the next review of the season as Lincoln and Clyde are caught up in a sleepover gone wrong in "Overnight Success", then we'll watch as a certain white-haired boy we know and love tries to get on the good side of his parents in "Ties That Bind".

Saturday, 2 September 2017

Review: Arthur | Season 1 Episode 7

7A: Arthur Goes To Camp

This cartoon sees Arthur and his friends go to Camp Meadowcroak for the week. But once they get there, EVERYTHING turns into a competition between the boys and the girls. We get some pretty funny moments of the girls constantly outscoring the boys throughout the episode, as well as some of their dirty tricks. But when the annual scavenger hunt against Camp Horsewater (Meadowcroak's rival camp) fast approaches, it's up to Arthur to get the girls and boys to work together to win. At first, he is unsuccessful, but when he tells everyone he has a secret plan up his sleeve, everyone agrees to cooperate. When Horsewater manages to beat Meadowcroak to all of the items on the list, Arthur's plan is set into action, by having one of Meadowcroak's members dress up like a bear, scaring Horsewater's members away, leaving the stuff they collected behind. Meadowcroak ends up winning, and after that there's no more competition. This episode was EXTREMELY dull and aside from the humor, this cartoon is easily forgettable and I wouldn't recommend it. 3/10

7B: Buster Makes The Grade

This cartoon sees Buster failing his math quiz, and if he doesn't get at least a B on the upcoming test, he'll flunk the third grade. So his friends try to help him study, which is not easy, as Buster is very easily distracted, and we're treated to some humorous scenes of Buster constantly stalling on his studying all through the episode. This cartoon also shows how much Arthur and his friends really do care about Buster, and they want him to succeed. Near the end, Buster gains more confidence and starts studying really hard, and even go as far as to rehearse his times tables in the middle of the park. Buster ends up getting a B+, and thanks his friends for helping him. While not one of the best Buster episodes out there, it did do a good job of setting across it's message in a quirky, goofy way by having a character whose careless attitude when it comes to studying is relatable to a lot of kids be the main focus. Despite not exactly being a season highlight, it's very far from a bad watch. 6/10

Season 1 Ranking
1. Arthur Accused
2. D.W's Imaginary Friend
3. D.W. All Wet
4. Locked In The Library
5. Arthur's Spelling Trubble
6. Arthur's Teacher Trouble
7. Buster Makes The Grade
8. D.W. The Copycat
9. Francine's Bad Hair Day
10. Arthur's Lost Library Book
11. Buster's Dino Dilemma
12. Arthur's Pet Business
13. Arthur Goes To Camp
14. Arthur's Eyes

Next week, Arthur tries to get his new puppy to cooperate with him in "Arthur's New Puppy", then we'll watch as Arthur tries to catch up on the latest trends in "Arthur Bounces Back".

Review: The Loud House | Season 1 Episode 7

7A: Picture Perfect

This episode is one of the most beloved among most fans, and I can see why. The story follows Lincoln trying to take a perfect family photo to give to their parents as a special anniversary present. His picture doesn't come out as planned, so he decides to take a new one. We're then treated to a sequence of funny scenes that involve Lincoln getting his sisters out back for the retake, while in course, showcasing the distinctive batch of personalities each sibling has to offer. (I also LOVED the part where Lynn acts like a puppy. :3) Little did he know that he was rubbing his sisters the wrong way, and he goes too far when he gets everyone to wear an ugly Christmas sweater for the photo. When his sisters ask what was wrong with the other one, he openly states that they were being themselves, which proved to be the last straw. Lincoln got the picture he wanted, but as he returns home with the framed photo, he realizes how wrong he was to berate his sisters for being themselves. The powerful message this scene delivers is very heartwarming and it makes this episode really stand out as a true masterpiece. When Lincoln hands his first picture to Mom and Dad, he apologizes to his sisters and was the ultimate way to cap off a beautiful episode. This cartoon was really powerful in teaching it's audience to be thankful for what they've got in life. Hence the name, this cartoon truly is picture perfect. 10/10

7B: Undie Pressure

When it comes to giving viewers a good look into a day in the life of the Loud kids, Undie Pressure does it best. After Lola complains about Lincoln's gross habit of reading comics in his Y-fronts, he calls her out for being obsessed with her mirror, as well as several other of his sisters and THEIR annoying habits. All this prompts his sisters to team up against Lincoln in a throwdown for the ages. Whoever could go the longest without giving in would win. (If Lincoln won, the sisters had to keep quiet about his annoying habit AND they had to purchase him a new pair of what he calls "victory undies". But if the sisters won, Lincoln had to give up reading in his underpants forever) The rest of the episode proves just how lovable and funny the Loud siblings are, as they start dropping like flies after being under pressure by Lola to do what they like doing. But if you're already on the edge of your seat, the next bit will make you fall out of it. Only Lincoln and Lola are left standing, and by now that "relaxing" sentiment is over and the real fun begins. Each of them decide to start playing dirty to fight their way to the top, and Lincoln's biggest rival suffers an awesome and much-anticipated defeat after she snaps and clears the smeared makeup from her face. For a moment, Lincoln believes that he has won, and rubs it into his other crushed sisters. But in an unbelievable twist, he notices that Lily hasn't cried once throughout the whole shebang, making her the surprise victor. If you think things have already come full circle, think again. This episode delivers yet another outstanding moment of sibling love as Lola ends up ordering Lincoln his undies and teaches the other gobsmacked sisters that we shouldn't ridicule others about their annoying habits. All in all, it proves that while Lola may not get along with her only brother that often, she still loves and cares for him very much, which is a perfect way to wrap up a tense episode. This episode was beyond FANTASTIC. With all the many funny moments, the non-stop suspense, Lola's OUTSTANDING antagonist performance, the powerful sibling bonds, and a perfect heartfelt ending to finish it off, this cartoon remains as one of the best episodes of the ENTIRE series. Bravo, Alec Schwimmer! 10/10

Season 1 Ranking
1. Undie Pressure
2. Space Invader
3. The Sweet Spot
4. Picture Perfect
5. Driving Miss Hazy
6. No Guts, No Glori
7. Sound Of Silence
8. Project Loud House
9. Left In The Dark
10. Making The Case
11. A Tale Of Two Tables
12. Get The Message
13. Heavy Meddle
14. In Tents Debate

Next time, we'll make waves as Lincoln and his sisters cherish some quality fun in the sun in "Linc Or Swim", then we'll watch as a beautiful sibling bond grows dramatically because Lincoln is "Changing The Baby"