Sunday, 3 December 2017

Review: The Loud House: Season 1 Episode 11

11a: The Butterfly Effect:

Normally, I enjoy "what if" scenarios in cartoons. but this one, oh geez, don't kill me for this, but i don't like this episode very much. I know I'm in an awkward place to say it, but bear with me here. The episode involves Lincoln accidentally ruining Lisa's experiment while practicing his yo-yo tricks. The explosion changes EVERYTHING in the Loud House. Lori is now dating Clyde, Lola ends her pageant career after suffering a blow to the nose, and Luan gives up being funny. Sounds like a good episode, right? Maybe to the majority of you. But I don't buy all the hype it gets. Don't get me wrong, it IS a good idea, but it just wasn't my cup of tea. I found it WAY too over-the-top, and some of the situations the sisters got involved in weren't even FUNNY, like Luan giving up comedy to save the earth. That was just so out of character. It's as if Kevin Sullivan was bumping me in the elbow and saying "She's giving up comedy! Get the joke?" Um, no, I don't. And it wasn't even a JOKE. It's a sign that you went too far with this episode. And from that point on, the rest of the episode involves Lincoln feeling bad for what he did, and it continually shoves it in our faces. We get it: Lincoln feels guilty for what he did. Fortunately, at the end, the cartoon delivered it's moral decent enough, but that ending, EW. Butterfly Effect was a mighty disappointment. If it had not lost focus of it's main plot, I wouldn't be here complaining about it. Not to mention all the obvious plotpoints. I've seen it! I've seen ALL of it!

...Except THAT. And I NEVER want to see that again.
In conclusion, Butterfly Effect is highly overrated. Can I make it any more obvious? 2.5/10

11b: The Green House:

It's been over a year since I first saw The Green House...
...and I'm STILL marveling at how awful it is.
The story is that Lincoln's class is holding an energy-reduction project. Mrs. Johnson praises Clyde, who has an incredibly low eco-meter, and here's what his response is:
"Thanks, Mrs. Johnson! Our house is solar-powered so we don't burn any fossil fuels!"
We've barely even STARTED the episode, and ALREADY we have a problem. Clyde gets praised for basically doing nothing at all. That's the end of the worry, right? Boy, are you wrong. It only gets worse as the cartoon progresses. EVERY single character that appears in this episode is an asshole. Lincoln's class threatens to make him a social outcast (he had an extremely high eco-meter) because they''re all too busy fawning over a fucking polar bear (literally) to consider the fact that Lincoln has ten sisters, which is the reason why his family uses so much energy. Mrs. Johnson isn't spared from the douche-baggery either, because when the class goes to threaten him for making them fall behind in the contest, instead of stopping them, she lets it happen! What kind of sick fucking teacher even DOES that?! Also, Lincoln's sisters discourteously use absurd amounts of energy that we've never seen them do before. But hey, gotta have the plot make sense! (If you couldn't tell, that was satire) The biggest asshole of all is someone who you'd least expect: Lincoln. Slowly but surely, he makes all these unnecessary "adjustments" to the family image that puts the sisters through a lot of strife. And all because he just HAD to play a stupid video game with his amigos. His excuse when the sisters furiously confront him? The polar bear. He used the fucking POLAR BEAR to manipulate his sisters into giving up their electronics. It may not have seemed possible, but Lincoln came out in the end as the biggest asshole out of EVERYONE, bar NONE. And another thing, why couldn't him and his friends play their game at Clyde's house? Obviously it can't do much damage because HIS HOUSE IS SOLAR-POWERED. Fortunately, in the end, Lincoln's class DOES win the contest, but at this point, I've had it with this episode. This is one episode that I will not, willingly, watch again. Offer me a million bucks and I STILL wouldn't do it. OK, this review has gone longer than it should have. Enough said. 0/10

Next time I'll be reviewing "Along Came A Sister" and "Chore And Peace"